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1 ThomasLite  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 11:49:13am

Title appears to be highly misleading: this was compensation for vaccine-induced encephalopathy - a quite general term for recognized, very rare, abnormalities which do sometimes arise as a result of vaccinations - something quite similar to what might arise out of a strike to the head, for example. Yes, it’s a brain disfunction. So is alzheimer’s, for example.
quotes like:

And most of these children now have taxpayer dollars earmarked for applied behavioral analysis (ABA), an effective therapy specifically designed to treat ASD.

are misleading at least. Yes, blood thinners can be quite effective in case of dangerous blood clots - to conclude that any patient on thinners is suffering such clots, rather than one of many other conditions treated with those, is of course nonsense. this is no better. ABA is a very general term, to say the least. You might, for example, know it as “raising kids” - to name something.

All the article proves is that yes, an untreated VIE can cause permanent brain damage. Everything else is innuendo and unfounded assertions.
I do hope you didn’t post this to make a point about vaccination?

2 Randall Gross  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 12:00:05pm

The huffpo blogger is an antivaxxer.


3 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 3:43:54pm

re: #2 Randall Gross

The huffpo blogger is an antivaxxer.


Yes, and it still made the headlines. This is disturbing to me.

The blatantly false meme that will not go away.

4 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 14, 2013 10:26:22pm

This vaccine shit just won’t go away. Sigh.

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